Bombay HC’s absurd interpretation of Section 7 of POCSO Act

How Bombay High Court's Interpretation Of Section 7 Of POCSO Act Fails Us

A shocking judgment was recently passed by the Nagpur Bench of the Bombay High Court wherein it was held that in absence of "skin-to-skin" contact while groping a twelve-year old child's ('prosecutrix') breasts, no offence of sexual assault would be made out under Section 7 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012. 

The Single-Judge Bench, though convicting the man under Sections 342 (wrongful confinement) and 354 (outraging the modesty of a woman) of Indian Penal Code, went on to observe that "the act of pressing the breast of a child aged 12 years, in the absence of any specific detail as to whether the top was removed or whether he inserted his hand inside top and pressed her breast, would not fall in the definition of sexual assault." This was based on the reasoning that admittedly the prosecution's case did not propound the possibility that the appellant/accused had removed her top and pressed her breast, and as the act did not literally involve direct "physical contact" i.e. skin to skin, it could not be termed as "sexual assault" under Section 7 of the POCSO Act. 

The Court further elucidated that the provision had to be interpreted while giving due consideration to the stringent nature of the punishment awarded under Section 8 of the POCSO Act, and therefore stricter proof and allegations were required to substantiate the offence. As per the Judge, merely groping the breast of a minor 'over her clothes', did not constitute an offence grave enough to fall under Sections 7 and 8 of the POCSO Act, and would rather fall within the definition of the minor offence of outraging the modesty of a woman. While it may be hard to comprehend the logic behind this highly problematic judgement, there is a need for a deeper analysis of the same as not only does the judgement prima facie undo the stringency of the legislation, but it invariably casts a shadow on the legitimacy as well as the gravity of sexual assault by trivializing it and reducing it to a mere 'literal interpretation' of the provision. Interpretation of Section 7 of POCSO Act Section 7 of the POCSO Act defines sexual assault as "whoever, with sexual intent touches the vagina, penis, anus or breast of the child or makes the child touch the vagina, penis, anus or breast of such person or any other person, or does any other act with sexual intent which involves physical contact without penetration is said to commit sexual assault". The issue in the judgement stems from the interpretation of Section 7 which divides the provision into three parts and states that if a person, (i) touches the vagina, penis or anus or breast of the child, (ii) makes the child touch the vagina, penis, anus or breast of such person or any other person, or (iii) does any other act which involves physical contact without penetration, all with sexual intent, then that person is said to have committed sexual assault. In the judgement, it is evident that the Judge has derived her literal interpretation of the first two parts of the provision from the third part of the provision. By emphasizing on "physical contact with sexual intent without penetration" and observing that this "physical contact" must encompass "skin to skin" contact, the Judge has shrunk the scope of sexual assault. The sole justification for having done so is that the provision is stringent in nature and requires stricter proof as conviction under it entails three to five years of imprisonment as well as a fine. While the terms "physical contact" or "skin to skin contact" are yet to be defined as per the laws in India, judgements of various Indian High Courts have highlighted how the slightest of actions, done with sexual intent, can lead to conviction under Section 7. For instance, in Ravi v. State (2018 SCC OnLine Del 11182), the Delhi High Court held that catching hold of the hand of the child survivor with sexual intent amounted to sexual assault. In Rakesh v. State (2018 SCC OnLine Del 11179), the Delhi High Court, without delving into details as to whether the appellant had disrobed the child survivor or inserted his hand under her clothes, held that pressing the breast of the child survivor with sexual intent would amount to sexual assault as per Section 7 and dismissed the appeal. Per contra, the instant judgment, by absurdly seeking for specificity regarding skin to skin contact, defeats the purpose of the provision and bestows immense leeway on the perpetrator to go scot-free after committing such an atrocious act. Judgement Sets A Bad Precedent Apart from being logic-defying, the judgement is also simply a bad precedent as the interpretation of "physical contact" can ultimately be used to dilute the provisions in other similarly placed statutes by extension of the ejusdem generis principle. In absence of any concrete definition of "physical contact", the "skin to skin" interpretation can be employed to dilute the gravity of sexual harassment as envisaged by Section 354A of the IPC which also features the term "physical contact". It has the potential to inflict a severe blow on the progress that has been made in feministic jurisprudence over the years that led to the expansion of the ambit of these provisions so as to ensure the safety and security of women. In addition to the objective of the Act, which is to protect children and keep their best interests in mind, the Model Guidelines issued under Section 39 of the POCSO Act by the Ministry of Women and Child Development categorically state that the Act recognizes "almost every known form of sexual abuse against children as punishable". Therefore, to exclude groping of a child over his or her clothes would run counter to the intent of the legislation. Further, in cases of child sexual abuse (CSA), the interpretation cannot and should not be narrowed to this extent as there exists an unquestionable lack of consent on behalf of the minor child. It is equally pertinent to take into account the psychological impact that is rendered as a result of CSA. Multiple studies have shown that CSA, which includes, inter alia, anything from "unwanted and inappropriate sexual solicitation" or "genital touching or fondling" to "penetration or attempted intercourse", not only produces an increased risk of personality disorders, but also mental disorders. It further has the ability to trigger negative psychological outcomes such as "poor self-esteem, lack of a sense of control or agency, difficulties with intimacy and continuing sexual difficulties".

CSA inherently being an act of perverse imposition of power and subsequent subjugation of a weaker entity, may possibly lead to a negative alteration of a child's cognitive and emotional development. In wake of this, the burden on the POCSO Act to stipulate provisions that are stringent and do not require a higher threshold for substantiation is greater. The learned Single Judge has unfortunately failed to consider these aspects of the POCSO Act before passing her Judgement and has paved the road for future Courts to take inspiration from this interpretation.

Counter-Measures For The Long Run 

The inane interpretation in this judgment is reminiscent of yet another Order which was rendered by the Madhya Pradesh High Court last year in a case of sexual harassment wherein, while granting bail to the accused, the Court imposed a strange condition directing the Applicant, along with his wife, to visit the Complainant's house with a rakhi on the date and time specified in the Order along with a box of sweets. The order was highly criticized by the legal fraternity and nine women lawyers eventually moved the Supreme Court praying for a stay against the imposed bail condition. During the course of the matter, the Attorney-General was requested to suggest remedial steps and these steps included declaration of such remarks/observations as unacceptable and not conforming to judicial standards. Indeed, an unequivocal indictment of the same would serve as a deterrence to others from passing judgements which completely ignore the psycho-social underpinnings of these statutes. A greater emphasis was also laid on the need for gender sensitization of both the Bar and the Bench while approaching such matters. The Attorney-General had called for gender sensitization of judges in High Courts and trial courts, and had suggested for State Judicial Academies to regularly hold lectures on the same. In order to deal with matters pertaining to sexual harassment, it becomes critical for the judges to unlearn their inherent gender biases and entrenched patriarchy, which, more often than not is a product of their environment, and has the tendency to reflect in the judgements they deliver; this is well exemplified by the fact that the Judge in the instant case was a woman herself. Apart from the above, there is an urgent need to increase representation of women in the higher echelons of the judiciary as well as other public institutions. By bringing into the fold more women judges, the ultimate beneficiary is the public itself as lived experiences of these judges can aid in delivering more well-rounded judgements, and thereby, prevent such ill-conceived decisions. The gender ratio in the judiciary as well as the legal fraternity is terribly skewed at the present moment, and thus requires immediate rectification for the attainment of rule of law that is fair and just.

It cannot be stressed enough that more than 99% of the cases of sexual violence go unreported in India as per the National Family Health Survey conducted in 2015-16; of those that do get reported, the conviction rate is abysmally low. If we, as a society, wish to bring about a change in the perception of the narrative which constantly blames the victim, be it a woman or a child, and ends up trivializing their complaints, we must start working from the most primary level. Gender sensitization is not a one-day affair that can transform the patriarchal mindset that has been ingrained in a person throughout their lives. It requires a collective effort on the part of the society right from the moment a person is born, and rest assured, if this effort materializes, then the transformation we seek can truly be achieved. 



By Shiny .G Mahima & Dimple sangeetha

Views are personal.



[Breaking] Supreme Court Stays Bombay HC Judgment Which Held 'Skin To Skin' Contact Necessary For 'Sexual Assault' Under POCSO Act. Source 

The Supreme Court on Wednesday stayed the acquittal of the accused under the Bombay High Court Judgment which held that pressing of breasts of a minor girl without disrobing does not amount to "sexual assault" within the meaning of Section 8 of POCSO Act.

The order was passed by a bench headed by the Chief Justice of India on a mention made by the Attorney General, KK Venugopal.

Attorney General KK Venugopal submitted that the judgment which held that 'skin to skin' contact is necessary for sexual assault under POCSO Act is 'unprecedented' and is 'likely to set a dangerous precedent'.

CJI Bobde has directed AG to file proper petition challenging the judgment ,

The Court has stayed the acquittal of accused under Section 8 of POCSO and issued notice to him returnable within 2 weeks.

In the impugned judgment, the Nagpur Bench of the Bombay High Court held that such an act would amount to 'molestation' under Section 354 of IPC and not Sexual assault under section 8 of the POCSO Act.

The Single bench of Justice Pushpa Ganediwala made this observation while modifying the order of the Sessions Court which held a 39-year-old man guilty of sexual assault for groping a 12- year- old- girl and removing her salwar.

In paragraph no. 26 of the impugned order, the Single Judge had held that "there is no direct physical contact i.e. skin to skin with sexual intent without penetration". 

"The act of pressing of breast of the child aged 12 years, in the absence of any specific detail as to whether the top was removed or whether he inserted his hand inside top and pressed her breast, would not fall in the definition of 'sexual assault'",

the court held, adding, "The act of pressing breast can be a criminal force to a woman/ girl with the intention to outrage her modesty".

Few days earlier, the National Commission for Women (NCW) had announced that it will challenge the impugned judgment, stating that the same will not only have cascading effect on various provisions involving safety and security of women in general but also put all the women under ridicule and has trivialized the legal provisions provided by the legislature for the safety and security of women.

Meanwhile, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has asked the Maharashtra Government to file an "urgent appeal" against the impugned judgment. The NCPCR chief in his letter underlined that it seems that the identity of the victim has been disclosed and the commission is of the view that the state should take note of this and initiate necessary steps.

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