This is ridiculous! 100s, if not 1000s of women have withdrawn their cases against their perpetrators because they saw how publically Heard was shamed

And how come none of these posts in social media mention the UK case where Johnny Depp’s acts of violence were proven to be "substantially true". The live streaming of the case and the international shaming of Amber heard across media platforms have instilled fear in women so deep that EVERY victim who has seen the trial will think twice about proceeding to talk about the trauma and abuse that the suffered.

It is mind boggling how you can encourage women to report annonymously about the metoo movement in India and support the perpetrator when they are shamed and dragged publically by his, and i have to concede here, superior legal strategy. 

"i saw the trial"

Congragulations, Johnny Depp and his legal team wanted you to see it. And it was an actor playing his best performance.  AH's every breath was observed, mocked, and trashed across platforms. Such a thing has never happened and will never happen to a man. 

It's really not about believing Amber Heard or Johnny Depp. Even if Amber is every bit the terrible person that people are convinced that she is, did this trial take away or remove or nullify the abuse she underwent because of Johnny. Why are people pretending that it has? At the begining of the trial, I saw memes about johnny and how bad Amber Heard’s lawyers were. Funny videos made. I shared it. And then I saw more and more of these videos flood the internet, clog it, choke it, until there was literally ONLY pro Johnny Depp content out there. And that got me thinking - what the fuck is this? 

All these years of being on the internet, i haven't seen propoganda of THIS magnitude and volume. 

And then I started noticing the trial. How Johnny Depp came dangerously close to Amber Heard one day, she lept back, startled. I saw the carefully curated answers. The clickbait questions. I saw the focus on dehumanising Amber Heard, and making Johnny deppseem like an abandoned puppy dog whose owner refused to give him food when he barked. 

Poor, helpless Johnny Depp, All he did was love Amber Heard. All he wanted was love. 

The entire trial was a masterclass in 
1) selecting the right forum
2) selecting the right jury
3) PR management during trial 

He won. People suddenly forgot how the UK court held there is sufficient evidence to prove he was abusive. How he has had a record riddled with abuse. Amber Heard’s suit against Johnny Depp will be heard later this year

Let's see how that goes

the people of the internet will once again become truth seekers, in pursuit of the glimmering rays of commplete honesty and showing women that the only way they will not be harmed is if they are silent. Still very upset for some reason. 

Maybe because I have seen the OP tweet about abuse/ harassment/ people in power in the past and didn't expect her to outright support somebody who said he'd fuck his ex wife's burnt corpse to make sure she was dead :)


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