Legal Research and Legal Writing are meta skills for any legal professional. Whether you are a law student wanting to writing excellent research papers and moot memos, an academician, or a practitioner of any sort, legal research and writing are critical

Module 1: Introduction to Legal Research

*David Gray, Doing Research in the Real World (2004), Chs. 1 & 2 

*Dr. Abhay Bang, Research, for whom? (IDR Online, 3rd May 2018)

Module 2: Legal research design and the research problem

*Joseph A. Maxwell, Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach (2013) Chs. 3-5

*John Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods and Approaches (2013), Chs. 2, 5, 6 & 7 

*Kristina Simion, Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Rule of Law Research (INPROL, 2016) 

*P. Langbroek, Methodology of Legal Research: Challenges and Opportunities (Utrecht Law Review – Utrecht University School of Law, 2017)

Module 3: Research Method & Methodology

*John Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods and Approaches (2009), Chs. 8-10 

*Julienne Meyer, Evaluating Action Research (British Geriatrics Society, Keynote Lecture) 

*Kristina Simion, Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Rule of Law Research (INPROL, 2016) 

*P. Langbroek, Methodology of Legal Research: Challenges and Opportunities (Utrecht Law Review – Utrecht University School of Law, 2017)

Module 4: Doctrinal Legal Research Methods

Below are some online resources that could be useful:



*Law Commission of India

*NALSAR’s Indian Journal of Intellectual Property  Law

*NLUJ’s Comparative Constitutional Law and *Administrative Law Quarterly

*NLUD’s Journal of Legal Studies

Law and OtherThings

*Indian Constitutional Law and Philosophy

*The Proof of Guilt


Key in filetype:pdf and do your Google search. This will throw up only PDF files many of which are excellent research papers.

Module 5: Empirical Legal Research

*Empirical Legal Research Study Design (Yale Law School) 

*Empirical Research Services (Harvard Law School) 

*General Guidelines for Conducting Research *Interviews (Free Management Library) 

*How to Choose: Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote (Washington University)

*Jessica Marie Falcone, ‘I spy…’: The (Im)possibilities of Ethical Participant Observation with Antagonists, Religious Extremists, and Other Tough Nuts (Michigan Discussions in Anthropology 18: 243–282, 2010) 

*Learn Zotero: Step by Step Tutorial (Management of your references in research) (Roshan Ali, YouTube, 23 July 2017) 

*The Lund-London Guidelines on International *Human Rights Fact-Finding Visits and Reports by *Non-Governmental Organisations (Raoul *Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and *Humanitarian Law, International Bar Association) 

legal research books, legal writing books

Module 6: Legal Writing

*Ali Almossawi, An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments (2013) 

‘Don’t just vomit on the page’: how to write a legal essay (The Guardian, 24 Oct. 2018) 


*Mark Osbeck, WHAT IS “GOOD LEGAL WRITING” AND WHY DOES IT MATTER? Drexel L. Rev. 4, no. 2 (2012): 417-66 

*PCMLP Oxford, Drafting Legal Arguments for your *Memorials (YouTube, 4 Jul. 2012) 

*The Writing Process (NYU Law) 

Module 7: Presenting Your Legal Research

*Andrew Bradbury, SUCCESSFUL PRESENTATION SKILLS 3rd ed. 2006 

*Delivering an effective presentation (University of Leicester) 

*Effective PowerPoint Presentations – Slides (LearnHigher) 

*How Lawyers Can Benefit From Visual Content (Visually, 2015) 

*Lee Epstein, Andrew D. Martin & Matthew M. Scheider, On the Effective Communicaation of the Results of Empirical Studies, Part I 59 Vanderbilt Law Rev. 1811 (2006) 

*Legal Skills and Research: Presentation Skills (Oxford LibGuides) 

*Nancy Duarte, How to lure the audience (YouTube, 22nd April 2012) 

*Presenting Your Legal Research to a Partner: A Guide. Part Two: Presenting your Research (Think *Like a Lawyer, 22 Jun. 2012) 

*Ten Tips for a Powerful Presentation (Duarte) 75 

*The Legal Design Lab (Stanford Law School) 

*Visual Law: What Lawyers need to learn from *Information Designers (Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School)

Module 8: Ethics of Legal Research and Writing

*Alfie Kohn (Abusing Research) 

*David B. Resnik, What is Ethics in Research & Why is it Important? (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Government of the United States of America, 2015) 

*Ethical Guidelines for Good Research Practice (Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and the Commonwealth, 2011) 

*N. Madhavan, Giving infants the gift of life (BusinessLine, 14th September 2018) 

Plagiarism (Oxford University) 

*Research Mindedness: Misuse of Research (Social Care Institute for Excellence) 

*SLSA, Statement of Principles of Ethical Research Practice (SLSA, 2009) 

*Plagiarism, The Writing Center (University of North Carolina) 

*Types of Misconduct in Research (University of Leicester) 

*UCT Research Ethics Code (University of Cape Town


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