How to defend/fight the wife's petition filed under section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure? 

Section 125 (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code is codified for the maintenance of spouses, children, and parents who cannot maintain themselves. Provision is a built-in social interest. The proceedings under Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code are of a semi-civil semi-criminal nature and are summary proceedings. When you receive a notice/summons from a court: -

1. Never ignore/refuse to receive a notice/summons by post or by a police officer or in any other way, because if it comes back with a comment, the respondent will not receive the notice. Given that, the opposing party will have the opportunity to move forward with the "X" party against you. 

2. Read the instruction and see if a copy of the application is attached to it, if anyone reads it carefully. If. If you are not able to defend the matter face to face, always choose an honest and expert advocate about appointing an advocate. Your. Never give all the papers to your advocate. Always keep a photocopy of each paper in your file. Do not provide original papers at first, only supply photocopies. But give original copies to make documents in court. 

The. Read the application again and again and now your wife should read with the above points in mind: -

I. If your wife is in service or has a business or ancestral property or other sources of income or is well-educated try to find out, whether wife in her application These physical facts have not been disclosed or disclosed if they are not disclosed. This is your first and best defense. The wife is not with clean hands. 

II. If she has entered job, income etc. in her application. You have a good defense that, she is able to maintain it and therefore she is not entitled to maintenance. This is your second field of defense. 

III. Find out if the weather spouse has applied to the court's jurisdiction, where she lives or where she last lived with you or where you live or where your marriage was glorious if you have not defended her, the court has no jurisdiction application Entertainment. This is your 3rd ground. (Reference: - Section 126 of the Code of Criminal Procedure)

IV. Find out if the wife has given false, misleading statements in the application if someone records the physical statements and always keeps in mind that, you have to prove that, these statements are false and misleading. Try to gather evidence for it and keep these statements in your mind at the time of the wife's cross-examination before the court. Give instructions to your lawyer Bring out the truth through the wife's own mouth at the time of cross-examination. If you manage to make contradictory statements, this can boost the spouse's credit and even discredit her for receiving false evidence. This is your fourth defense. 

V. Know that, if the wife has filed any other action against him and after a comparative study of it, she has given any contradictory statements in the other action or has accepted some facts, find out. If she has admitted the physical facts, you can use these statements as an entry in view of Section 17 and Section 58R / W Section 31 of the Indian Evidence Act. And if any contradictory statements are used to impeach the wife's credit in view of Section 155 (3) and Section 145 of the Indian Evidence Act. This is your 5th ground for defense. 

VI. Sixth. Find out, if she says in her application that she is not ready to live with you and she is not interested in living with you then you have the best basis for protection that, unreasonably your wife has left you and so she is maintenance Not entitled to. This is your 6th ground for defense. 

VII. Find out that, if the wife has made only vague statements and vague allegations against you and your family without any details, events, dates or other facts, then "insufficient and vague argument" and "allegations" are common. ”. This is your 7th ground for defense. 

VII. Eighth. If she has previously filed a maintenance procedure or received a maintenance order, So you have defended that, multiple maintenance proceedings are not allowed so the proceedings under Section 125 may be adjourned or quashed. This is your 8th ground for defense. 

File a written statement with verification and endorsement of the affidavit. Be careful when filing a written statement, see if you have prepared a written statement keeping in view the above points: - a

A. What physical facts have been suppressed and the wife has not disclosed in her application. 

B. He is able to sustain himself. 

C. Her education, occupation, service, occupation, income, the property of her ancestors and the weather take any income / share from the property of those ancestors etc. 

D. He has left you unfairly and you are ready to join him. 

E. If he keeps going into adultery. (Proof is very necessary otherwise never take this ground it will permanently close the doors of justice. )

F because she has made a false application against you. 

G. All dependents on you and all loans, deductions, mandatory deductions, illness and expenses on you and your family members. 

H. You cannot sustain yourself if maintenance is given. 

I. states that, if maintenance is given, your marital life will be broken and your wife will never respond to your request for intercourse. 

J. If in the second proceeding the wife is given any interval of final maintenance. If she has done multiple maintenance procedures that. Multiple maintenance procedures are not permitted by law. 

Points to consider at cross time

I. Enable the wife to accept her income, occupation, service educational qualification, property of her ancestors and income from her parents. ii. Enable the wife to accept that, she is not ready to agree with you. iii. Enable the wife to accept it, She has left your home. iv. Enable the wife to accept it, to make contradictory statements about cruelty, abuse, dowry harassment, etc. Vs. Enable the wife to accept that other members of your family are dependent on you and that some members are old and sick. 

Documents and oral evidence to support your case on the above points: - 

A pay slip, wife fixed deposit, ancestral property its shares, business, RT-compensation educational and professional coalification. Documentary and oral evidence can be drawn to prove the same. Documents can be called by court orders. B. Your marital life was happy and there was no abuse or harassment. C. She doesn’t want to be with you; She has unreasonably left your home. D He is giving up adultery (if indeed in adultery). Can be proved by oral evidence. 

Alternative remedy: - 

If other proceedings for defense have already been chosen by the spouse, select a stay application to continue proceedings under Section 125. Laws of the case to support your application: - a) Mumbai High Court Ravindra Haribha Karmarkar v. Mrs. Shaila Ravindra Karmarkar and another on 17/7/1991. b) Date of Order in the High Court of Delhi at New Delhi: 30th August, 2010 Crl.MCNo. 130/2010 and Crl.MANo. 504/2010% 30.8.2010 Rachna Kathuria… Petitioner vs. Ramesh Kathuria… Defendant C) Bombay High Court Sangeeta Piyush Raj v. Piyush Chaturbhuj Raj Equivalent to January 13, 1998 MS CJ, R. Kochhar II. Re-establishment of marriage rights or divorce decree on the basis of desert or adultery. Obtain a decree from a competent civil court. Her application will be rejected on this land or if maintenance has already been approved it will be quashed under Section 127 of the Criminal Procedure Code. 

Effective argument; Issues for Arguments: 

- if She has left home unreasonably and has abandoned her husband, so she is not entitled to maintenance: - Case law on this issue to support your argument: - a) Rohtash Sai vs Smt. Ramendri AIR 2000 SC 952. b) Sanjay Sudhakar Bhosle Versus Christina W / O Sanjay Bhonsle Dated 8.4.2008. C) Uttaranchal High Court Smt. Archana Gupta and another v. Shri Rajiv Gupta and another on November 18, 2009. D) Rajasthan High Court. Bhikha Ram vs Goma Devi and Ors. January 22, 1999. Equivalent Citations: 1999 CreelJ 1789. Author: G Gupta. Bench: G Gupta 3. II. She has her business, service and other sources of income, she is well educated and able to sustain herself: - Case law on this issue to support your argument: - a) Karnataka High Court equivalent citation: AIR 2005 Cantt 417, ILR 2005 KAR 4981. b) Date of order in Delhi High Court at New Delhi: September 18,2008 CM (M) 949 / 2008 Manish Kumar… Applicant Versus Mrs. Pratibha… Respondent. C) Delhi High Court Kaveri v. Neel Sagar et al. 25 October October, 2010. CM (M) 1153/2008 Kavita Prasad… .. Petitioner v. Ram Ashra Prasad… .. III. He has suppressed physical facts from the court and is also playing fraud in court and he is playing fraud to the opponent and he is not with clean hands, so he is not entitled to maintenance or any other relief. A person whose case is based on falsehood can be at any stage of the proceedings and has no right to seek relief from the court. Case laws on this issue to support your argument: - a) Supreme Court of India SP Changalavaraya Naidu v. Jagannath Equivalent Citations dated October 27, 1993: 1994 AIR 853, 1994 SCC (1) 1. b) Kolkata High Court (Appellate side) on March 25, 2008 Ashiruddin and Anr v. State West v West Bagel and Anr. IV. If she lives with you, you are prepared to maintain her: -

Legal provisions to support your argument: - Section 125 (4) and Section 125 (5) are codified to protect the husband's right to live with his wife. You can ask your wife to stay with you at any time. If he unreasonably refuses, he is not entitled to maintenance. Even after the maintenance order, you can give your wife a live fur to stay with you and if your wife unreasonably refuses to get used to you, her maintenance order can be revoked. Section 1 (()) is codified as above: - "Any wife in whose favor the order has been made under this section is living in adultery or she has refused to live with her husband for sufficient reasons or they are living apart by mutual consent, the magistrate will revoke the order". Section 1 ((above) is codified as above: - "No wife shall be entitled to receive allowance from her husband under this section, if she lives in adultery, or if, for any sufficient reason, she refuses to live with her husband. Is, or if it differs by mutual consent. "

Other Options: - If your spouse has fraudulently obtained an interim maintenance or final maintenance order in court, you may request the application, claim, amendment, writ, etc. to cancel the order or declare it. If the order is rejected, the order is rejected. B) Manmohan Singh Dhaliwal v. Gurbaksh Singh Arora and Ors of Delhi High Court. Equivalent citations of November 2, 2001: (94 (2001) DLT 860, 2002 () 1) DRJ.01. 12. An insolvent person may take action for the declaration that "he is an insolvent person". After the announcement, J.M.F.C. Or any other court has no jurisdiction to order the wife to pay maintenance or recover the maintenance already granted. 

Some Landmark Judgments 1. 125 CRPC cannot be filed twice, only 127 CRPC is allowed. (High Court Gujarat), Bench HBL JMR Shah, Order dated 30-08-2011, C.R.A. / 69/2011 8/8, 2011 Revision Appeal No. 69, Chauhan Anjanaben Jayantibhai v. Chauhan Kanaiyalal Mohanlal. (Chauhan vs. Chauhan) 2. No multiple maintenance is allowed. (High Court Gujarat), Bench HBL J. Akhil Qureshi, Order dated 21-10-2010, Special Appeal No. 2080 of 2010, SCR. A / 2080/2010, 2/2, Hemlataben Maheshbhai Chauhan v. State of Gujarat. 3. Many maintenance requests are not approved. (High Court Delhi), HBL J. Shiv Narayan Dhingra, Order dated 30-08-10, C.R.L. MC No. 130/2010 and CRL. MA No. 504/2010, Rachna Kathuria vs. Ramesh Kathuria. Citation No. 173 (2010) DLT 289. 4. Double Crisis. The same relief of maintenance cannot be asked twice in two different courts. The plaintiff cannot ride two horses. (High Court Mumbai), Bench HBL B. Hane, J. Order dated 17-07-1991. Ravindra Haribha Karmarkar vs Mrs. Shaila R. Karmarkar. Citation No. 1992 Cream LJ 1845. Wife. Separate income to the wife may be considered to determine the amount of maintenance she is entitled to pay. (Supreme Court), Bench HBL J.J. Sarkaria R. Singh, Chandrachud YV, Gupta AC, Order dated 17-10-1974, Bhagwan Dutt v. Kamala Devi and Ors. Appreciation No. 1975 AIR 83; 1975 SCR (2) 483; 1975 SCC (2) 386; Citiator R 1986 SC 984 (5), R 1987 SC 1100 (5). 6. Parallel 125 CRPC and DVA no for maintenance. (High Court Delhi), Bench HBL J. Shiv Narayan Dhingra, Order dated 22-09-2010, C.R.L. RP No. 633 of 2010, CRL MA No. 15451/2010, Renu Mittal v. Anil Mittal and Ors. Citation No. 173 (2010) DLT 269.

7. Interim Maintenance Illegal Increase. (Supreme Court), Bench HBL J.J. BN Agarwal and GS Singhvi, Order dated 23-02-2009, Civil Appeal No. 1163/2009, S.L.P. (C) No. 16742 2006, Sanjeev Gupta v. Salini Gupta. Citation No. 2009 INSC 390 (23 February 2009); II (2012 DMC 705. 8. Husband's high status claim is not sufficient for interim maintenance. (High Court Delhi), Bench HBL J. Shiv Narayan Dhigra, Order dated 01-09-2010, 2009 CRL MC No. 4066 and CRL 2009. MA No. 13807, Amit Khanna vs Priyanka Khanna.9. Interim maintenance cannot be increased on the basis of husband's salary increase. (High Court Mumbai), Bench HBL RS Dalvi, j. Order 26-02-2010, WP No. 6686, 2009, it Tula Singh v. Lieutenant Colonel Rajeshwar Singh. 10. Children can sue for maintenance from the mother. The wife is given 193 IPC by punishment for giving false evidence in court. (High Court Delhi), HBL J.D. Dr .. S. Muralitharan, Order dated 23-03-2009, C.R.L. MC 1130/2008 and CRL. MA 4231/2008, Jagdish Prasad v. State, NCT Delhi & Ors 11. One year left from the date of filing the petition. (High Court AP), HBL DJ Raju, J., Order dated 31st March 1984, Jangam Srinivas Rao v. Jangam Rajeshwari and others. Citation No. 1990 Cream LJ 2506.

12. Consider EMI in maintenance and maintenance reduction. (Supreme Court), HBL a. Kabir and c. Joseph, J.J., Order of 28-08-2009, CRL Appeal No. 879 of 2009, Emerging on SLP (CRL) No. 50 200803, SLP (CRL.) No. 7924 of 2008, Bhushan Kumar Mean vs. Mansi Mean @ Harpreet Kaur. Appreciation No. (2010) 15 SCC 372A; (2010) 15 SCC 372 b. 13. The wife cannot take advantage of the two maintenance orders passed by the civil as well as the criminal court. (HC Maharashtra), Bench HBL R Lorada J., Order dated 13-09-1995, Gomaji v. Smt. Yasoda and Ors. Citation No. 1 (1996) DMC 487; II (1996) DMC 469. 14. The working wife has no maintenance in HMA 24, 125 CRPC for the child only. (Supreme Court), Bench HBL J.J. T. Chatterjee and H. Dutt, Order dated March 23, 2009, Civil Appeal No. 1789-1790 of 2009, SLP (C) No. 24589-24590 of 2007, Anu Kaul v. Rajiv Kaul. Citation number. (2009) INSC 582 (23 March 2009); (2009) 13 SCC 209. 15. 125 CRPC for maintenance and means unable to maintain on the ground. (Supreme Court), Bench HBL J. Dr. Arijit Pasayat, Order dated 27-11-2007, Appeal C.R. S.L.P. of 1627 of 2007. Number (crore) arising on 79 437979, Chaturbhuj vs Sita Bai. Citation No. (2008) 2 SCC 316; AIR 2008 SC 530; 2008 (I0 KLT 41 (SC). 16. Maintenance set given in two sections is facet. (HC Punjab and Haryana). , Civil Revision No. ૨27૨27 of ૨27૨27, Jianchand VS 17. Responsibility for maintenance of children while both parents are working is co-extensive in 2: 1 (Supreme Court), Bench HBL JDP Wawa, Order 28-03-2000 , AIR 2000 SC 1398, I (200) DMC 621, 2000 II OLR SC 85, Padmaja Sharma v. Ratan Lal Sharma. Citation No. (2000) 4 SCC 266.

18. Meaning of being unable to maintain. (Supreme Court), Bench, HBL P. Satasivam, J., Order July 20, 2011. Emerging SLP (C) No. 20518-20520 of Civil Appeal No. 5831-5833, 2011, Vinnie Parmar v. Paramvir. Citation number AIR 2011 SC 2748; (2011) 7 SCAL 741. 19. No maintenance for spouse's income. (HC Delhi), HBL J Shiv Narayan Dhingra, Order dated 18-09-2008, CM (M) 949/08, Manish Kumar v. Pratibha. 20. No maintenance if wife lies. (SC), Bench HBL JJ .. GS Singhvi and Ashok Kumar Ganguly, dated 5-12-200 on order, Civil Appeal No. 52૨39 2009, of, Dalip Singh v. State Funded Ors. Citation No. (2010) 2 SCC 114. 21. Decrease in interim maintenance. . Citation number AIR 2010 SC 3540; (2010) 12 SCC 242; 2010 (7) JT I 76 (SC). 22. The wife is not entitled to maintenance who deprived her husband. (Supreme Court), Bench HBL J.J. S. Ahmed & D. Wadhwa, Order dated 02-03-200, AIR 2000 SC 952, 2000 (2) ALD Crime 15, 2000 Cr. LJ 1498, Rohtash Singh v. Mrs. Ramendra and Ors. Citation No. (2000) 3 SCC 180; JT 2000 (2) SC 553. 23. Maintenance is not given as it proves that the wife wants to be separated. Dispatch not maintenance to wife. (HC Chhattisgarh)), HBL J., LC Bhadu, Order on 15-02-2004, CRL. Revision No. 544/2003, Shivkumar Yadav v. Santoshi Yadav. 24. Husband can get PF details of wife. (CIC, Delhi), Decision No. 1816 / IC (A) 2008, F No. CIC / MA / A / 2007/00583, Professor MM Ansari, Order dated January 10, 2008. 25. The wife is guilty of contempt of court, denied with maintenance costs. (HC Delhi), HBL JSN Dhingra, Order dated 25-01-2010, Cont. Case (c) 482 of 2008, Gurbinder Singh v. Manjit Kaur. 26. Children have to maintain their parents. (High Court Gujarat), H.B.L. J. Akhil Qureshi, Ta. Order dated 02-06-2011, C.R.A. R.A. / 9 759, 4 / ,, Hasmukhbhai Narayanbhai Viramia v. State and ORS. 

27. Conditions when care is to be paid. (High Court Delhi), Shri Pradeep Nandraj J., Reserved Order dated 02-04-2007, Order dated 11-04-2007, CM (M) No. 7 367 of 2007, Alok Kumar Jain Vs. Purnima Jain. Citation No. 2007 (96) DRJ 115. 28. Second All state amendments to the CRPC are invalid. (SC), Bench HBL m. Katju, Gyan Sudha Mishra JJ, Order, 11 January 2011, CRL Appeal No. 107, 2011 SLP (CRL) No. 6568, Manoj Yadav v. Pushpa Yadav. Citation No. 2011: 1 LW (crawl.) 520. 29. The wife should specify that she is unable to maintain it. There is no maintenance to enable a wife to abandon her husband. (High Court Karnataka), Bench HBL JM Patil, Order dated 13-02-1980, Hansbai v. Balakrishna Krishna Badigar. Citation No. 1981 Cream LJ110; ILR 1980 KAR 612; 1980 (2) Tax LJ 158. 30. Maintenance on actual income. (High Court Delhi), HBL J. Shiv Narayan Dhingra, Reserved on 25-07-2008, Order 18-09-2008, C.M. (M) 2006 No. 1790 and 2006 CM No. 1435, Itu Tu Raj Kant Vs. Anita. Citation No. 154 (2008) DLT 505. 31. Maintenance denied for working wife. (High Court Madras), HBL AS Venkatachalmurthy J. Citation No. (2002) 2 MLJ 760. 32. No maintenance for competent and working wife. (High Court of Maharashtra), H.B.L. J.C. Chitra J., Ta. On 24-03-2000 Mrs. Mamta Jaiswal vs Rajesh Jaiswal. Citation No. 2000 (4) MPHT 457; II (2000) DMC 170.

33. Earnings No care of wife, only children. (High Court Karnataka), HBL K. Manjunath J., Order dated 22-08-2005, AIR 2005 Kent 417, ILR 2005 KAR 4981, Dr. K. E. Peace vs. Dr .. H. That. Vasudev. 34. 125 C.R.P.C. No maintenance of working wife in. (High Court Madras), HBL p. Satasivam J., Order dated 21-01-2003, Manokaran @ Ramamurthy v. M. Devaki. Appreciation No. AIR 2003 Med 212; I (2003) DMC 799; (2003) I MLJ 752 (Med), CMP No. 16264 of 2002. 35. Not to maintain the wife, but only the child. (HC Mumbai), HBL JBL Marlapalle, Order dated 18-7-2009, Appeal No. 20 of 2005 and 144 of 2005, Smt. Manju Kamal Mehra vs. Kamal Pushkar Mehra. Appreciation No. 2010 AIR (Bom) 34; 2009 (5) AIIMR 798; Legal / 114983; LS / BOM / 2009/1374. 36. Not maintaining a capable wife. (HC Delhi), HBL J Shiv Narayan Dhingra, Order dated 10-09-2008, CM (M) No. 2003, 2008 Vijay Kumar v. Harsh Lata Agarwal. . No. Any maintenance U / S 125 CRPC when the wife leaves the desert for no reason and she is also earning. Not maintaining a capable wife, But not just the maintenance of the offspring and the wife living in adultery. (H.C. Uttaranchal), H.B.L. J. Alok Singh, Order dated 18-11-2009, C.R.L. 2006 Rev. No. 201, Mrs. Archana Gupta and v. Rajiv Gupta. 

38. The wife should make it clear that she is unable to maintain herself. (HC Allahabad), HBL J.B. Order dated 25-03-1976, Katju, Manmohan Singh v. Smt. Mahindra Kaur. Citation No. 1976 Cream LJ 1664. 39. No maintenance if wife works. (H.C. Uttaranchal), H.B.L. Dharamveer, Order dated 25-10-2010, CRL of 2002. Rev. 88, Vikas Jain vs. Deepali @ Ayushi. Citation Number Act (UTN) 2010-1-36. 40. A troubled wife in a family with a separate caring wife. (H.C. Madras), H.B.L. J.P.R. Shiva Kumar, Order dated 22-02-2008, C.R.L. RC No. 1491 of 2005, Marimuthu v. Janaki. Citation number AIR 2003 Med 212; I (2003) DMC 799; (2003) I MLJ 752.41. Not maintaining the wife who left her husband. (HC Mumbai), HBL VR Kingaonkar J., Order dated 08-04-2008, Cry RA 226 of 2002, Sanjay Sudharak Bhonsle v. Christina. Citation No. 2008 (2) Bom. CR (cream) 467. .3. Not maintaining a barren wife who refuses to live with her husband. (HC Gujarat), HBL GL Gupta J., Order dated 22-01-1999, CRL. 1997 Rev. No. 179, CRL PC2 1974 s. 125, Bhika Ram v. Goma Devi & Ors. Citation No. 1999 CRLJ 1789. 43. No address of wife who left her husband. (HC Punjab and Haryana), HBL Mohinder Pal J., Order dated 19-03-2009, CRL Miskram No. M-24684 2008 (O&M), Poonam v. Mahendra Kumar. 44. Husband cannot be considered in the maintenance of parental property. (High Court Delhi), HBL J. Aruna Suresh, orders on 02-07-2010, CM (M) No. 1045 and CM No. 13003 of 2008, Sushila Devi v. Joginder Kumar. 45. Permanent neighborhood cancellation. (HC Mumbai), HBL J.J. A.P. Despande and Mrs. RP Sundurbalota, Order dated 08-04-2010, Appeal No. 116 of 2002, Family Court 47/2002, Arun Kashinath Despande v. Inumati R. D.O. 

46. ​​The wife gives leave to her husband, no maintenance. (HC Mumbai), HBL RS Mohit J., Ta. Order dated 04-02-2005, Meena Dinesh Parmar v. Dinesh H. Parmar. Appreciation No. AIR 2005 Bom 298; 2005 (4) Bom CR 672; 2005 (2) MH LJ 305. 47. No wife maintenance except living without wife. . 48. A wife living apart from her husband is not entitled to maintenance. (HC Delhi), HBL J. Shiv Narayan Dhingra, Order dated 27-08-2010, CRL MC No. 491 of 2009, Sanjay Bhardwaj v. State & NR. Citation No. 2010 (118) DRJ 385. 49. A suitable wife should work for maintenance. (HC Delhi), HBL J Shiv Narayan Dhingra, Order dated 01-10-2008, CM (M) 1153 of 20083 (Delhi), Kavita Prasad VS Ashre Prasad. 50. 125 CRPC is civil in nature. (Supreme Court), H.B.L. Dr. Arijit Pasayat J., Order dated 05-06-2007, Appeal of 2001 (CRL) 795, U.P. And Iqbal Bano v. State of Ors. Appreciation number AIR 2007 SC2215; (2007) 6 SCC 785; 2007 AIR SWC 3880; (2007) 3 SCC (Cream) 258; CR LR (SC) 554. 51. NBW cannot be issued for maintenance payment. . 52. The magistrate may allow for interim maintenance. (Supreme Court), Bench HBL J.J. Order on Venkataramaiah EST, Mishra RB, 09-10-1985, Savitri v. Govindsinh Rawat. Appreciation No. 1986 AIR SC 984; 1985 SCC (4) 337; 1985 SCAL (2) 697.. 53. Spouse's assets, sources of income must be considered in CRPC 1 in 125. Maintenance order, if paid from the date of application, no need to record the reason for doing so. It is usually payable from the date of the order. (SC) HBL C K Thakkar, and D K Jain, J.J. Order dated 28 July 2008, Civil Appeal No. 4666, 2008 by Shail Kumari Devi and Anar v. Krishna Bhagwan Pathak @ Kishun B Pathak. Citation number AIR 2008 SC 3006; (2008) 9 SCC 632; 2008 (3) ALT (CRL) 171 (SC). 54. No maintenance is applicable in the Domestic Violence Act 2005, 125 CRPC. 

55. The wife sued the 2 lakh Rarty DV Act for “mocking the judicial process”, contempt and suppression of facts. (HC Delhi), HBL J. Vipin Sanghi, reserved on order dated 20-12-2011 on 21-02-2012, CNT, CAS (C) 815/2011 and CM No. 20360/2011, Douglas Breckenridge vs. Zillmill Breckenridge . 56. Maintenance in 125 CRPC from date of order. (HC Calcutta), HBL J, Ashim Kumar Roy, Order dated 05-03-210, 2005 CRR No. 257, Sudarshan Agarwal v. State West v State West v West Bengal & NR. Citation No. LS / Cal 2010/265. . 57. Not to cross-examine another witness on other pretext, Rs. 25,000 / - with warning. (HC Delhi), HBL, J, SN Dhingra, Order dated March 09, 2010, CM (M) No. 496/2009, Rampyari and Ors. Vs Mrs. Kamlesh. 58. Steps for hearing courts when dealing with civil trials. Rs. 2 lakh for producing false documents, concealing facts to take advantage of false matters and filing false and forged lawsuits. . Ors. Vs. Nirmala Devi and Ors. Appreciation No. (2011) 8 SCC 249; 2011 (6) SCAL 677; JT 2011 (8) SC90; 2011 AIR SCW 4000; 2011 (4) Supreme 625. Double .. On double jeopardy in Article 20 (2) of the Constitution of India, the High Court clarifies that a person once tried for an offense cannot be heard on the same group of facts or for the same offense and for the same reasons of proceeding. This is known as a double whammy in criminal cases and is covered by section 300 in civil cases. . And NR. Vs. M. Parimala and Ors. Citation No. 2009 (3) MLJ (CRL) 450. 60. No address of the wife who left her husband. (SC) H.C. Enthusiastic decision of Punjab and Haryana. Revision petition denied. HBL J.J. V.S. Sirpurkar and Sudarshan Reddy, Order dated 16-11-2009, SPL CRL MP no. (S) 18899, Poonam vs. Mahendra Kumar. 61. The wife shall sue for maintenance under one of the two orders of the Magistrate under Section 125 CRPC and the District Judge, Section 24 HMA Act and she will have to choose from which of the two orders for her. Enforcement. (HC Haryana and Punjab). HBL G.S. Order on Chahal, 25-09-1991, Paramjit Kaur v. Surinder Singh. Citation No. (1992) 101 PLR 155.

62. This argument of the learned Chief Justice appeals to us. We relate to the Code which is complete on this point and must be based on the provisions of any Code of Protection and Order passed under Section 125 CRL.PC. Article 125 of the CRPC is a provision to protect vulnerable parties, such as a neglected spouse. If an order has been placed for maintenance against the desert, it will operate until the terms of the Code's provisions are vacated or changed. If the husband has a case under Section 1 (()) (of) or Section 127 of the Code, he is open to initiate appropriate proceedings. But its validity remains valid until the original order for maintenance has been amended or revoked by the High Court or varied or repealed in terms of Section 125 (4) or (5) or Section 127. It is enforceable and it has not been argued that interstate cooperation or compromise between the parties can hold up well as a proper defense. (SC) Bench HBL JJ Krishna Yer Yar, VR, Shingal, PN, and Sen, AP, 1978 Review Petition No. 95; Order dated 13-11-1978. Bhupinder Singh vs Daljit Kaur. Citation No. 1979 AIR 442, 1979 SCR (2) 292, 1979 SCC (3) 352 Shingle, P.N., & Sen, AP, 1978 Review Petition No. 95; Order dated 13-11-1978. Bhupinder Singh vs Daljit Kaur. Citation No. 1979 AIR 442, 1979 SCR (2) 292, 1979 SCC (3) 352 Shingle, P.N., & Sen, AP, 1978 Review Petition No. 95; Order dated 13-11-1978. Bhupinder Singh vs Daljit Kaur. Citation No. 1979 AIR 442, 1979 SCR (2) 292, 1979 SCC (3) 352


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